We integrate health promotion into the business strategy to improve the health of the population

We understand health promotion as the process that allows people to increase control over their health, increasing their wellbeing and reducing risk factors for the main chronic diseases. To this end, we join forces with professionals, organisations, communities and institutions.

We develop and implement health and wellbeing programmes in organisations, with two key objectives:


Exclusive conditions for registrations until 15th FEB. 2023

R&D projects:


«Since we started collaborating with Mehrs everything has been very easy, they have been able to understand the needs of Mediamarkt and help us to launch our healthy company project. We are delighted with the work done but above all with the great human team that makes it up. Thank you!!!».

Ainhoa Pérez Llamas
Risk Coordinator at MediaMarkt Iberia


How can we help

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