contributing to the reduction of breast cancer worldwide

Breast cancer is a major public health problem.

Today, around 1 in 12 women will suffer from breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.
In 90-95% of of breast cancer cases the risk of occurrence and progression is related to the interaction of non-modifiable factors (sex, age, breast density…) and modifiable factors that determine a woman’s lifestyle pattern (diet, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, obesity, hormone treatments, exposure to toxins, etc.).

Acting on early detection and following a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing a breast tumour in healthy women by up to 30%, reduce the risk of recurrence after diagnosis by 20-30% and the resulting mortality by 30%.


Technological solution that promotes self-care for women’s health, helping to reduce breast cancer risk factors.

Technological solution that accompanies women diagnosed with breast cancer through the different stages of the disease, strengthening the relationship with their team of health professionals.

The risk of breast cancer in women who lead a sedentary lifestyle is 71% higher than in those who comply with international physical exercise recommendations.

makes an impact.


Technological solution that promotes self-care for women’s health, helping to reduce breast cancer risk factors.

  • Raise awareness of the importance of self-care for women’s health,

  • It detects lifestyle factors associated with an increased risk of breast cancer,

  • It provides interventions tailored to each woman’s needs,

  • Monitor progress in order to be able to track the reduction of risk factors.


Technological solution that accompanies women diagnosed with breast cancer through the different stages of the disease, strengthening the relationship with their team of health professionals.

  • Detect needs related to women’s quality of life,

  • It provides tailored interventions for lifestyle improvement,

  • Monitor evolution (symptom data collection, lifestyle related data, …),

  • It encourages follow-up and accompaniment by your team of health professionals.

H4W BREAST CANCER supports the United Nations ActNow campaign

For more information about H4W Breast Cancer